
Lancaster & Heysham SSN

School Sport Co-ordinator Programme (SSCo)

Our School Sport Co-ordinator (SSCo) Programmes are based on a previous Government initiative which provided funding for Secondary PE staff to work with a small cluster of schools, local to the secondary school. They provided a brilliant facility to host various sports events for their Primary schools and also delivered quality sports coaching at their schools.



Our SSCo programmes are intimate and bespoke for the schools involved. They include sports coaching, sports events and practical CPD opportunities. Every year the schools fill out a questionnaire which assesses the previous year and what they would like on the following years programme. We all meet and discuss, then deliver what the schools want. The schools select the CPD and all the events; what sports, ages, gender, everything, even the intent of an event. For example, this could be competitive with trophies and medals or a festival in a brand new sport for new experiences.

We are delighted to be partners with Bay Leadership Academy, Carnforth High and Our Lady’s Catholic College, which is why we name these SSCo programmes after the Secondary schools who host them. These schools find it beneficial because they have lots of pupils and parents accessing their school for events, without the hassle of having to deliver it themselves. We utilise the schools amazing facilities and awesome Sports Leaders – who assist us at every event.

We currently have four SSCo programmes running, including:

  • Bay Leadership Academy SSCO
  • Carnforth SSCo
  • Lune Valley SSCo
  • Our Lady’s SSCo

We have a successful model, with all programmes running for numerous years, in fact the BLA SSCo Programme has been running for 12 years, with the majority of the 14 schools involved, being there from the beginning.

This opportunity is available to any Primary school who would like more sports events and sports coaching. Traditionally, these programmes have 6-14 schools in, we don’t do more than that to keep it intimate. This is also available for any Secondary school who would like to host such a programme. If you are a school who would like to discuss this further, then just get in touch.


Each school is offered between 6-10 coaching sessions per year, in a plethora of different sports and activities.  These are all delivered by the same member of staff, unless that individual cannot deliver, then we source a suitable replacement, who will just deliver those particular sessions.  It is up to each school how these sessions are utilised.  Some use them all on one year group, some mix up the sports, it is totally up to you.

All our coaches have all the relevant, and updated CRC, sports coaching, safe guarding qualifications and certificates and are 1st Aid trained.


Schools have access to a minimum of six sports events each year, one every half term, which are, again, determined by the schools involved.  You might want more KS1 events, we can do that.  You might want to have practice events for County Qualifiers, we can do that.  You may want more friendly festivals where participation is the goal, or try out new sports, we can do that.  You can have a mix of everything.  In most cases, we give out Gold, Silver and Bronze medals, a winners trophy and everyone gets a certificate for being involved.

All our events are in safe, appropriate facilities, each chosen specifically to maximise the safety and experience of the participants and spectators.  They are delivered by highly experienced staff, who have delivered numerous events.


Once the CPD has been decided by the schools, teachers/volunteers are invited to a central venue to undertake the CPD.  These are usually Twilight sessions, done in two hours.  They are not certified, more for guidance and ideas on how to deliver that particular sport/activity to pupils.  There are usually 2-3 CPD sessions per year.

Schools can also have “in-house” twilights, that are just for their own staff, delivered in their school.  This is if there is a greater number of staff wanting the training, that cannot be accommodated in the central venue option.


We deliver Young Leaders courses, to give your pupils their first taste of leadership.  This training programme will allow them to assist at play time, sports day and other PE related events.

If you are interested in being in one of our SSCO Programmes, please just get in touch and register your interest.


Bay Leadership Academy

SSCo Programme

This is an intimate PE programme, which is in its twelfth year. There are 14 schools enrolled on the programme, which is at capacity.

The schools receive 10 coaching sessions per year and an additional 14 sports events.  Particular event highlights include a non club swimming gala, a Biathlon (Swim/Run), Acro Gymnastics as well as traditional football, netball, rugby plus many more.

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SSCo Programme

The Carnforth SSCO (CSSCo) is in its sixth year. There are 10 schools enrolled on the programme this year with the majority of schools being rural schools.

We are delighted to have some South Lakes schools involved, including Holme and Milnthorpe Primary schools.

These schools receive 6 coaching sessions a year and 14 sports events.  Particular event highlights for this programme is the Virtual Archery, where our archery coach delivers an afternoon of archery in each school, teaching a whole class, with the top 8 scores added together used for the event.  Korfball is popular and also the KS1 Multi-Skills & Athletics event.  Other events include girls football, handball plus lots more.

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Latest News


Fantastic evening at our host school, Bay Leadership Academy, where some of our BLA SSCo schools came to learn and play Handball. Each game coached…

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Yesterday we were joined by pretty princesses and other amazing characters as our local pupils took part in our Disney Shooting Stars event! The girls…

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We had a fun-filled morning with some of our local school support staff at the University of Cumbria. They learned all about PE and what…

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