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Lancaster & Heysham SSN
THIS EVENT IS FOR BLA SSCO MEMBERS ONLY. 2024-25 SSCO Korfball & Basketball Invite Two event details: Year 3/4 event, no experience needed, players will...
THIS EVENT IS FOR CSSCO MEMBER SCHOOLS ONLY. 2024-25 CSSCO Girls Football Invitation Competition Details: KS2 Girls Football Tournament At Bay Leadership Academy 3G astro...
THIS EVENT IS FOR LVSSCO MEMBER SCHOOLS ONLY. 2024-25 LVSSCO Netball Invitation Stinger-rule-adaptions-full-explanation Rotation-Sheets-Stingers Details of the competition are as follows: Date: Thursday 13th March...
Booking for: Friday 14th March 2025 9:45-11:45 (Session 1- Morning slot) We would like to invite your school to our LHSSN Sports Leadership Development...
Booking for: Friday 14th March 2025 12:45-2:45 (Session 2) We would like to invite your school to our LHSSN Sports Leadership Development Session- year...
THIS EVENT IS FOR BLA SSCO MEMBERS ONLY. 2024-25 SSCO Bee Stinger Netball Invite Stinger-rule-adaptions-full-explanation Rotation-Sheets-Stingers Details of the competition are as follows: Date: Thursday...
Booking for SSN Mental Wellbeing Leaders: Friday 21st March 11.45-2:45 We will be hosting a mental health & wellbeing session for your yr 5/6...
MORNING SESSION Booking page - AM IS ALMOST FULL 12 TEAMS ENTERED. Dear School Colleague; We, The Panathlon Foundation, www.panathlon.com are working with Active...
AFTERNOON SESSION Booking page- (for secondary and those that really can't make the morning session) Dear School Colleague; We, The Panathlon Foundation, www.panathlon.com are...
THIS EVENT IS FOR CSSCO MEMBERS ONLY. 2024-25 CSSCO Tag Rugby League Invitation Competition Details: Spectators will not be allowed at this event Date: Thursday...
THIS EVENT IS FOR LVSSCO MEMBERS ONLY 2024-25 Lune Valley SSCO Acro invitation & moves grid Details of the competition are as follows: Scheduled for...
THIS EVENT IS FOR BLA SSCO MEMBERS ONLY 2024-25 SSCO Acro Gymnastics Invitation & Move's Details of the competition are as follows: Scheduled for Thursday...
Details to be confirmed. Please share with your pupils. (Poster)
THIS EVENT IS FOR BLA SSCO MEMBERS ONLY. 2024-25 BLA SSCO Y1-2 Football Tournament Invite Competition Details: Year 1/2 Football Tournament At BLA 3G Astro...
THIS EVENT IS FOR LVSSCO MEMBERS ONLY. 2024-25 Lune Valley Cluster SSCO Football at Arkholme Separate Year 3/4 and 5/6 comps, sign up to each...
THIS EVENT IS FOR LVSSCO MEMBERS ONLY. 2024-25 Lune Valley Cluster SSCO Football at Arkholme Separate Year 3/4 and 5/6 comps, sign up to each...
THIS EVENT IS FOR CSSCO MEMBERS ONLY. 2024 25 CSSCO KS1 Football Invitation Competition Details: Spectators will not be allowed to watch this event Mixed...
This is booking for the morning session only ACTIVE CURRICULUM DAY – YEAR 4 & 5 PUPILS Wednesday 7th May 2025 COST: £30 ENTRY FEE...
This is booking for the afternoon session only ACTIVE CURRICULUM DAY – YEAR 4 & 5 PUPILS Wednesday 7th May 2025 COST: £30 ENTRY FEE...
Please enter or direct questions to Brandon as part of their course- info below... These are always great events where the students pull out all...
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Contact Lancaster and Heysham School Sports Network, if you have any questions or comments please get in touch.
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