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Lancaster & Heysham SSN
THIS EVENT IS FOR CSSCO SCHOOLS ONLY 2024-25 Carnforth SSCO Archery Invite Date: Complete anytime between October 24 and February 25 Venue: Your own school...
THIS EVENT IS FOR CSSCO MEMBERS ONLY 2024-25 CSSCO MS Athletics Invitation 2024-25 CSSCO Year 1-2 Athletics Team Sheet & Event list Competition Details: Spectators...
THIS EVENT IS ONLY FOR CSSCO MEMBERS ONLY 2024-25 CSSCO Girls Football Invitation KS2 Girls Football Tournament At Bay Leadership Academy 3G astro pitch Tuesday...
THIS EVENT IS FOR CSSCO MEMBERS ONLY 2024-25 CSSCO Swimming Gala invitation 2024-25 CSSCO Swimming Gala Team Sheet Competition Details: Spectators will not be allowed...
THIS EVENT IS FOR CSSCO MEMBERS ONLY 2024-25 CSSCO Cross Country Invite Event details: Six separate events and a whole event team score Cross Country,...
THIS EVENT IS FOR CSSCO MEMBER SCHOOLS ONLY. 2024-25 CSSCO Girls Football Invitation Competition Details: KS2 Girls Football Tournament At Bay Leadership Academy 3G astro...
THIS EVENT IS FOR CSSCO MEMBERS ONLY. 2024-25 CSSCO Tag Rugby League Invitation Competition Details: Spectators will not be allowed at this event Date: Thursday...
THIS EVENT IS FOR CSSCO MEMBERS ONLY. 2024 25 CSSCO KS1 Football Invitation Competition Details: Spectators will not be allowed to watch this event Mixed...
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