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Lancaster & Heysham SSN
MORNING SESSION Booking page –
Dear School Colleague;
We, The Panathlon Foundation, www.panathlon.com are working with Active Lancashire and your School Games Organisers to deliver our Pathway events across the County for pupils with SEND.
The next event we would like to invite you to participate in is New Age Kurling:
Date: Monday 24th March 2025
MORNING EVENT – Primary Kurling Competition
Registration: 9.45am
Event Times: 10.00am – 12noon
AFTERNOON EVENT – Secondary Kurling Competition (and any primaries that really can’t make the morning)
Registration: 12.45pm
Event Times: 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Venue: Lancaster and Morecambe College
Eligibility: Any child on the SEN Register
Team Size: Teams should consist of 4 children.
Depending on the uptake, you may be able to enter more than 1 Team.
Maximum of 16 teams per session.
Other Info: The Event is Free to enter
All students (regardless of final placings) will receive a Panathlon medal and certificate.
Please ensure one member of staff who attends with the team is first aid trained
Please find attached a Risk Assessment and our Media Policy
Ramps/Pushers will be provided should you have any children that require these
Pathway: The winning team on the day will be invited to represent Lancaster, Morecambe & Heysham in the Lancashire County Kurling Finals. This will take place in Blackpool on Monday 19th May 2025
Please book on via the website & complete the attached Entry Form and return to Steven on jamieson.sm@gmail.com before Friday 14th March.
LMH Kurling Competition Invitation LMH Kurling Entry Form
LMH Kurling Competition Invitation
Many Thanks!
Get in touch
Contact Lancaster and Heysham School Sports Network, if you have any questions or comments please get in touch.
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