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Lancaster & Heysham SSN
Booking for LHSSN Schools only- Girls Handball Festival
Dear Colleague,
We would like to invite your school to a Lancaster & Heysham SSN
Handball Taster Festivals
I would like to invite your school to enter the LHSSN Year 5-6 Handball & mini competitions at Lancaster and Morecambe College on
Thursday 24th April- Girls only
Thursday 1st May- Mixed (no ratio requirements)
Limited to 6-8 schools at each event. 1 team per school.
Arrival for 15.30 start and approx. 17.30 finish.
There will be an introductory practice for familiarisation with the sport prior to a competition.
The event will be delivered by Barry for LHSSN.
**Could schools ensure that parents wait outside the sports centre until the relevant staff are on site.
Please can you book via www.lhssn.co.uk as soon as possible. Any questions to Barry please.
We look forward to hearing from you & good luck!
Many Thanks,
Barry Robson LHSSN Events Team; Email: barryrobson07@gmail.com
Steven Jamieson Tim Fletcher
LHSSN; Email: jamieson.sm@gmail.com & Timothy.Fletcher@bay.staracademies.org
Get in touch
Contact Lancaster and Heysham School Sports Network, if you have any questions or comments please get in touch.
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