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Lancaster & Heysham SSN
For Lancaster Schools Only- South Lakes Schools may enter but can not qualify.
Dear Teacher
I would like to invite your school to enter the LHSSN Lancaster High5 Netball/Bee Stingers at Lancaster & Morecambe College. Tuesday 29th April (Reserve date; Monday 5th May).
Due to phenomenal demand in previous years Heysham and Lancaster will each have their own competition.
Lancaster Schools Netball Qualifier: 9.30 for 9.45-12.45 Year 5/6
Defending Champions- Skerton St Luke’s (Please bring the trophy)
This is a competitive tournament that will act as a feeder for the Lancashire School Games County Finals, and as such are now funded by LHSSN so open to SSN members only. The top placed Lancaster School will represent Lancaster at the County finals on 8th July at UCLAN, Preston.
Competition details are as follows:
The deadline entry date for this tournament is 22nd April. Please can you inform me either way if you will be entering a team.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Many Thanks,
Steven Jamieson & Barry Robson
Get in touch
Contact Lancaster and Heysham School Sports Network, if you have any questions or comments please get in touch.
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